Dumisani Theological Institute & Bible School

Dumisani u Thixo engcweleni yakhe,
Mdumiseni esibhakabhakeni samandla akle.
Mbumiseni ngenxa yobugorha bakhe,
Mbumiseni ngokobuninzi bobukhulu bakhe.
Indumiso 150-1-2
Praise the Lord!
Praise God in his sanctuary;
Praise Him in his mighty heavens.
Praise Him for his acts of power,
Praise Him for His surpassing greatness.
Psalm 150-1-2
As Dumisani celebrates its 40th Anniversary, it is our hope that prayers will increase for the present and future work of the College.
At the Harvest Thanksgiving there will be a retiring collection for the Dumisani Theological Institute. Please put any donation in a marked envelope and leave it in the plate at the door. The collection will be left open for a couple of weeks.